In 2023, exports of cashew nuts generated a total US$6.64 billion in international sales. Worldwide sales of exported cashews flatlined via an overall average -0.1% dip from 5 years earlier in 2019 when cashew exports totaled $6.65 billion. Year over year, overall export revenues from selling the richly and nutty flavored seed rose 6.9% compared to $6.22 billion in … [Read more...] about Top Cashews Exports & Imports by Country Plus Average Prices
Top Pumpkin Importers by Country
International purchases of imported pumpkins cost a total US$1.72 billion in 2023. The overall cost of pumpkin imports rose by 20.5% for all importing countries since 2019 when international purchases of pumpkins were valued at $1.42 billion. Year over year, imports of pumpkins flatlined via a -0.5% slowdown compared to $1.73 billion starting from 2022. The top 5 imported … [Read more...] about Top Pumpkin Importers by Country
Top Nutmeg Exports & Imports by Country Plus Average Prices
In 2023, exports of nutmeg were worth a total US$237.5 million. Metrics for nutmeg specified in this article exclude mace, the seed covering from the nutmeg fruit. Exports of nutmeg rose in value by an average 34.2% since 5 years earlier in 2019 when export sales for nutmeg were $177 million. Year over year, overall export sales of the fragrant spice fell by -7.3% starting … [Read more...] about Top Nutmeg Exports & Imports by Country Plus Average Prices
Top Apricots Exports & Imports by Country Plus Average Prices
In 2023, globally exported fresh apricots from all countries were worth a total US$530.4 million. Exports of fresh apricots grew in value by an average 9.6% from 5 years earlier in 2019 when export sales for apricots were $483.8 million. Year over year, the overall value of exported apricots increased by 10.9% compared to $478.2 million in international sales for … [Read more...] about Top Apricots Exports & Imports by Country Plus Average Prices
Top Fresh Spinach Exports by Country
An iron-rich leafy green vegetable, worldwide exports of fresh or chilled spinach totaled US$845.9 million in 2023. That dollar amount results from an average 112% increase for all spinach shippers over the 5-year period starting from $399 million in 2019. Year over year, the value of globally exported spinach fell by -7.7% compared to $916.7 million during 2022. The top 5 … [Read more...] about Top Fresh Spinach Exports by Country