Other lucrative Polish exports include computers, turbo-jets, smartphones and cigarettes.
The following list shows which Poland exports attracted the most sales during 2017. Unlike most information currently available on the web, the items below are detailed at the 4-digit tariff code level.
More granular details on export sales can help entrepreneurs identify precisely which products in which Poland has strong competitive advantages over other nations–and where there are potential opportunities for innovation.
For the most recent details, please see the paragraph at the bottom of the “Top 10” tab section in the Poland’s Top 10 Exports article. For a link to that article, see the See also paragraph above Research Sources below.
Highest Value Polish Export Products
Below are the 20 highest value export products shipped from Poland in 2017. Shown within brackets is the 4-digit harmonized tariff system code for each item.
- Automobile parts/accessories: US$12.7 billion (up 13.6% since 2016)
- Cars: $7.7 billion (up 1%)
- Seats (excluding barber/dentist chairs): $6.2 billion (up 13.4%)
- Miscellaneous furniture: $4.6 billion (up 15.9%)
- TV receivers/monitors/projectors: $4.6 billion (up 15.9%)
- Computers, optical readers: $4.3 billion (up 13.3%)
- Medication mixes in dosage: $3.4 billion (up 44.3%)
- Trucks: $3 billion (up 63.5%)
- Cigars/cigarellos, cigarettes: $2.9 billion (up 57.8%)
- Insulated wire/cable: $2.9 billion (up 12.1%)
- Turbo-jets: $2.8 billion (up 30.2%)
- Phone system devices including smartphones: $2.6 billion (down -2.7%)
- Miscellaneous iron and steel structures: $2.4 billion (up 31.9%)
- Poultry meat: $2.2 billion (up 19.6%)
- Engines (diesel): $2.2 billion (up 3%)
- Rubber tires (new): $2.2 billion (up 10.4%)
- Coke, semi-coke: $1.9 billion (up 68.1%)
- Processed petroleum oils: $1.8 billion (down -17.2%)
- Miscellaneous plastic items: $1.8 billion (up 19.7%)
- Cruise/cargo ships, barges: $1.7 billion (down -15.2%)
Among these product categories, coke or semi-coke posted the greatest increase in export sales up 68.1% from 2016 to 2017.
In second place was Poland’s exported trucks, which improved 63.5%.
Polish exports of cigars, cigarellos and cigarettes moved ahead by 57.8%.
Exported medication mixes in dosage rose in value by 44.3% while miscellaneous iron and steel structures appreciated 31.9%.
See also Poland’s Top 10 Exports and Poland’s Top Trading Partners
Research Sources:
International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database (GDP based on Purchasing Power Parity). Accessed on March 25, 2018
The World Factbook, Field Listing: Exports and World Population, Central Intelligence Agency. Accessed on March 25, 2018
Trade Map, International Trade Centre, www.intracen.org/marketanalysis. Accessed on March 25, 2018