Maybank is Malaysia’s biggest regional bank also offering commercial banking services in other countries. A Malaysian investment holding company, Axiata Group Bhd provides global technical and management services via investments in its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. Public Bank offers financial services beyond Malaysia throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
To give some contextual perspective on recent company performance, the overall value of Malaysian exported goods rose by 5.6% from US$234.1 billion in 2014 to $247.3 billion during 2018. Year over year, Malaysia’s exports appreciated 14.3% from 2017 to 2018.
In the analysis below, we compare Malaysia’s top 10 export-related companies based on asset values, sales and profitability. Also presented is the Malaysian city where each business has its headquarters.
Malaysia’s Top 10 Major Export Companies
Below are Malaysia’s biggest export-related companies organized by asset value. Shown within parentheses is the primary industry in which each company operates. Also shown is the change in asset value as of May 2016 compared to 2015.
- Maybank (regional banks): US$165 billion, down -3.6% from 2015
- Hong Leong Financial (investment services): $48.2 billion, down -13.9%
- Genting (consumer discretionary): $20.8 billion, down -4.4%
- Sime Darby (business conglomerate): $15.2 billion, up 0.1%
- Axiata Group (communications equipment): $13. 2 billion, down -0.5%
- MISC Bhd (transportation): $11.1 billion, down -10%
- Petronas Chemicals (specialized chemicals): $7.4 billion, down -12.8%
- Maxis (telecommunications services): $4.6 billion, down -12.6%
- IOI Group (food processing): $4.4 billion, down -43.7%
- Petronas Dagangan (oil, gas): $3.1 billion, no change
Only one of these large Malaysian exporters grew their asset values from 2015 to May 2016, conglomerate Sime Darby which grew a modest 0.1%.
Asset declines ranged from -0.5% for Malaysian communications equipment maker Axiata Group to a -43.7% drop for food processor IOI Group.
Sales is the life blood of all business, particularly for firms that compete in international trade.
- Sime Darby: US$11.5 billion, down -20.3% from 2015
- Petronas Dagangan: $10.3 billion, down -0.3%
- Maybank: $7.6 billion, down -21.4%
- Axiata Group: $5.1 billion, down -12.2%
- Genting: $4.6 billion, down -17.3%
- IOI Group: $3.6 billion, down -8.7%
- Petronas Chemicals: $3.5 billion, down -27.9%
- MISC Bhd: $2.8 billion, down -0.4%
- Maxis: $2.1 billion, down -26.9%
- Hong Leong Financial: $2.1 billion, down -15.2%
Sales declines ranged from -27.9% drop for Petronas Chemicals and a -26.9% setback for telecommunications provider Maxis to a small -0.4% decline for MIS transportation firm and -0.3% for oil and gas operator Petronas Dagangan.
Despite the slowing global economy, all ten of the largest Malaysian firms posted profits as of May 2016.
- Maybank: US$1.75 billion, down -16.7% from 2015
- IOI Group: $833.7 million, up 66.7%
- Petronas Chemicals: $711.6 million, down -28.8%
- Axiata Group: $653.3 million, down -18.3%
- MISC Bhd: $631.2 million, down -9.8%
- Sime Darby: $505.5 million, down -54%
- Maxis: $456.1 million, down -24%
- Hong Leong Financial: $372.2 million, down -25.6%
- Genting: $355 million, down -40.8%
- Petronas Dagangan: $257.7 million, down -14.1%
Food processor IOI Group was the only top Malaysian export-related firm to boost profitability since 2015, up 66.7% as of May 2016.
Profitability declines range from -9.8% from transportation provider MISC Bhd to -54% for business conglomerate Sime Darby.
All 10 of Malaysia’s top export-related companies have their headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s national capital and largest city.
- Maybank: Kuala Lumpur
- Hong Leong Financial: Kuala Lumpur
- Genting: Kuala Lumpur
- Sime Darby: Kuala Lumpur
- Axiata Group: Kuala Lumpur
- MISC Bhd: Kuala Lumpur
- Petronas Chemicals: Kuala Lumpur
- Maxis: Kuala Lumpur
- IOI Group: Kuala Lumpur
- Petronas Dagangan: Kuala Lumpur
Note some of the above company offerings may include products or other than the principal category shown within parenthesis under the Assets tab.
For example, MISC Bhd. is a business engaged in ship operations, offshore floating terminals and other activities related to shipping services. Its non-shipping segment consists of integrated logistics, marine education and training.
See also Malaysia’s Top 10 Exports, Malaysia’s Top 10 Imports and Malaysia’s Top Trading Partners
Research Sources:
AmigoBulls Tenaga Nasional Berhad Balance Sheet – Annual (2016). Accessed on October 10, 2019
Forbes Global 2000 individual company profiles, Example of top Malaysian company compiled for this study: MISC Bhd. Accessed on October 10, 2019
Forbes Global 2000 rankings, The World’s Biggest Public Companies. Accessed on October 10, 2019
International Trade Centre, Trade Map. Accessed on October 10, 2019
Wikipedia, Kuala Lumpur. Accessed on October 10, 2019
Wikipedia, Category: Companies of Malaysia. Accessed on October 10, 2019
Wikipedia, List of companies of Malaysia. Accessed on October 10, 2019